"In Between Homage and Parody: On Relationships Between the Practices of Bahman Mohassess and Marino Marini" by Mohammadreza Mirzaei

May 20, 2021

"Bahman Mohassess (1931–2010) is from the generation of Iranian artists who travelled to Italy in the 1950s to study at Italian academies. Mohassess spent time in the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome, and after returning to Iran in the 1960s, he played a prominent role in the new Iranian art scene. Although he was not Marino Marini’s pupil, Mohassess’s practice demonstrates a special relationship with Marini’s art. In this essay, Mohassess’s artistic strategies are examined in the context of Iranian art in the 1960s and in terms of Marino Marini’s practice. Marini’s dialectical approach creates a route for Mohassess to problematize the descriptive qualities of figurative painting, which results in the confrontation of Mohassess with currents of abstract painting in Iran and their socio-political implications."


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"In Between Homage and Parody: On Relationships Between the Practices of Bahman Mohassess and Marino Marini" by Mohammadreza Mirzaei