Ali Nassir at Sevil Dolmaci Dubai's Group Show "Unreal Realities"

April 2, 2024

Works  from Ali Nassir are currently exhibited in the group show "Unreal Realities"at Sevil Dolmaci Dubai. The exhibition will continue until June 1st.

Ali Nassir (b. 1951 Tehran) is presented with his most recent paintings where he creates a harmonious blend of restless memories, chaotic environment and complex issues merged with the intrinsic beauty and joy of life, turning his work into a continuous attempt at expanding this sense of aesthetics. The interplay of form, color, movement and composition in Nassir’s works are meticulously interconnected. Within his paintings, one can encounter urban symbols, elements from nature, or even unexpected juxtapositions of objects that would never coexist in real life. These unconventional combinations permeate the artworks with compelling meanings within the framework of the painting itself.


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Ali Nassir at Sevil Dolmaci Dubai's Group Show "Unreal Realities"