Celebration of Stillness

Pegah Rajamand

January 14 - 25 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents “Celebration of Stillness”, a collection of works on paper by Pegah Rajamand (b. 1988 Urumiyeh), marking the artist's third solo show with the gallery.
The collection on display visualizes a mentality that refuses to acknowledge its natural roots and instead defines itself in contradiction to nature.
As lighting a fire can represent our desire to ignite and the invention of a saw is a sign of the need to cut, tools as well can shape our desires. We use tools to dominate our environment; where in fact we are controlled by them unconsciously as they construe our actions into concepts and words to define nature.
By this means, Pegah Rajamand’s recent works, similar to her previous collections, hint at a predictive point about a self-destructive mentality that unlike traditional ways of confronting nature with a sense of thoughtfulness, refuse to admit its natural origins. Ultimately, what we are left with is an attempt by the artist to emphasize a sense of pause in these machines in the interest of creating an opportunity to celebrate their stillness.