Ashkan Sanei at NADA Curated: Multipolar Promotional Materials
August 30, 2023
We live in an era where balance has come to represent a kind of utopia; an expression of the desire to find better circumstances for the broadest spectrum of the population.
Political resistance has been driven towards opposite poles, reducing our nuanced idiosyncrasies, geographical conditions, diverse doctrines, and interests. Multipolar brings together artworks highlighting income inequality and social, political, and ecological emergencies.
Embracing openness, flexibility, and a humanistic conscience has the potential to bring about a more sustainable future where we can reconsider our relationship with the planet and each other, achieving empathy without having to share the same ways of thinking.
Questioning the parameters on which our relationships with other individuals and communities have been founded could prove helpful for living in an uncertain future. Conversation and the ability to reconsider our assumptions will lead us away from linear and hierarchical world views.
Social conflicts such as racism, injustice, extractivist projects, and global warming are connected. Perhaps by first conceiving of ourselves as an endangered species, we can open up the possibility of ending the abusive systems against nature and each other.
Kindness and generosity towards those with opposing views may serve as a powerful method of understanding our contemporary landscape and may provide the opportunity for us to embrace the beauty within the nuances and complexities of the everyday.
– Itzel Vargas Plata, Chief Curator at Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City
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