You Want a Ready Response, Here I Am

Parvin Shokri

January 20 - February 7 2023

Press Release

O Gallery presents “You Want a Ready Response, Here I Am”, a solo exhibition of works by Parvin Shokri (b. 1981 Tehran). The collection on display is a series of works on canvas that were created over a five-year period. The medium of painting for Pari Shokri is an expression of loss and trauma, remarking commonalities such as suppressed feelings, losses and failures in the artist’s lived experiences. Removing a part of the image, body or face, she portrays a disorder, challenging the genuine identity of the subject. Following the German compositional system of Rückenfigur*, she eliminates the face as the fundamental element of visual interaction and castrates looking as a visual and interactive dialogue between subject and the object. *Rückenfigur: a term used in German Romantic compositional device in painting, photography and film in which a person is seen from behind in the foreground of the image.