Wandering in the Dark

Maryam Mohry

January 14 - 25 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents “Wandering in the Dark,” Maryam Mohry’s (b. 1979 Tehran) second solo show. The collection on display is the outcome of the past two and a half years, when the world stopped due to the pandemic and the artist was forced to live and work in her 48 m2 apartment in stress and fear of the unknown. Going back to renaissance paintings, the artist started to make her own interpretations of the works. Trying to keep her sense of humor alive, she created silly plots, horses running after people, angels being naughty and humans confused and lost.
What originally started as hundreds of 10x10 cm drawings, covering the only available wall of her bedroom, took on a different path upon her move to a much larger space out of town. There, she found herself surrounded by green lands and a very blue sky, freeing her from previous mental blocks.
Unlike her previous collection, the current exhibition is mostly made up of works on paper accompanied by only one soft sculpture, very well expressing the artist’s journey in trying to find her own unique visual language.