Uneasy Ancestry

Mahsa Karimi

July 30 - August 10 2021

Press Release

O Gallery presents “Uneasy Ancestry”, a selection of paintings and sculptures by Mahsa Karimi (b. 1981 Sabzevar), marking the artist’s second exhibition with the gallery.
Elimination, destruction and coincidence play analogous roles in Mahsa Karimi's process of painting. With diligent mistrust towards art education, visual memory and common techniques, Mahsa Karimi is constantly trying to experiment and discover new ways of painting in accordance to her subject matter.
Through the deformation of her figures, the artist refers to the difficult and tangled status-quo of the society, while paying tribute to the physical disability of one of her close relatives. By keeping her distance from idealized, artificial and glorified representations, Mahsa Karimi offers new definitions of beauty in both her paintings and sculptures.