There Was a Stain of Life on the Wall

Ahmadreza Ahmadi

September 2 - 13 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents “There Was a Stain of Life on the Wall”, a solo exhibition of works by Ahmadreza Ahmadi (b. 1940 Kerman).

“Ahmadreza Ahmadi started painting after several months of dealing with depression, as a way of escaping from it.
His paintings were originally done in watercolor and were similar to his poems: faded and rainy. His first exhibition held in 2018 received positive feedback. The audience could see “Ahmareza, the poet” in his paintings: paintings that were a picture of his soul; poems that were turned into paintings.
After the first exhibition, painting became his daily routine. From paper to cardboard, from cardboard to canvas;
from watercolor to acrylic and from small dimensions to large ones. The tools he uses are not limited to brushes and spatulas; he uses anything that can convey his feelings on the canvas.
He doesn't think about the work that he is going to create in advance. Similar to his poetry, they flows unto the paper without any prior plans.
What is interesting is that even though there are no prior plans, several of his works put together create collections that follow a similar line of thought.
When asked about his paintings, there’s only one thing he says:
“Unaware of the outcome …”
- Mahour Ahmadi, August 2022