The Acts of Keeping

Neda Mirhosseini

August 19 - 31 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents “The Acts of Keeping”, a solo exhibition of works by Neda Mirhosseini (b. 1995 Tehran).


“My artistic process is a daily journal. I record what is around me: my personal experiences and interactions with my community in closed spaces on a daily basis.
My drawings are about the people who have spent time with me and the objects I have used to cater to them. In the collection that I’m showing, I have concentrated on the leftovers on my table as a representation of what’s taken place. These objects convey the story of events and the people in the past and present. By putting them together, I am reminded of the momentum and feelings shared.
The different layers that are placed atop each other complement and complete each other, both in the technique used and the presentation of the works. The gradual appearance of pictures is comparable with recalling a memory; the pictures come together and the details gradually appear, table settings and still lives coexisting with portraits”

-Neda Mirhosseini