Strangers in Paradise

March 15 - April 2 2018

Press Release

O Gallery is pleased to present “Strangers in Paradise,” a group exhibition of eight artists curated by Fereydoun Ave. Vincenzo Bianchini, Douglas Johnson, Michalis Makroulakis, Robert Rauschenberg, Karl Schlamminger, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol and Bob Wilson are all artists who have lived and worked in Iran sometime in the 60s and 70s. The works on display come from the collections of Fereydoun Ave, Goli Emami, Lili Golestan, Sohrab Zargham, Homa Zarrabi and the artists’ estates and include a range of works from oil paintings, prints, posters, furniture pieces, videos and archival material. The exhibition opens on Friday March 16th and will be on during the Nowrouz holidays.