Shaakh-e Nabat

Nabat Khosravi

May 13 - 24 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents “Shaakh-e Nabat”, Elaheh (Nabat) Khosravi’s (b. 1968 Bojnord) first solo show in Tehran.
Culture is understood as a flow of varied interrelated influences and element; and the way artists handle traditional knowledge does not isolate, it rather opens up to other cultures, current contemporary discourses and developments.
Motivated by her children and inspired by her surrounding landscapes from her childhood, Nabat Khosravi started painting seven years ago as a way of therapy. Based on her engagement with materials and artisanal techniques in traditional felt making, initially as a way to make a living, she soon started working with felt as her material for painting. A self-thought artist, she has never been interested in realistic representation of objects and is fascinated by the accidental features of felt in her artistic process. The collection on display, in continuation of her exhibition in Beirut in 2018, is the outcome of her work in the past two years and is in line with her meditative style in paintings.