
Maryam Sabbaghpour

August 5 - 17 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents "Happies", Maryam Sabbaghpour’s (b. 1989 Langeroud) third solo show with the gallery.
Following her critical attitude towards our social life transformations in her previous collection, Sabbaghpour illustrates fear and anxiety, rooted in our everyday routine.
The collection on display depicts a rather new concern of the artist; the concept of time. Envisioning her paintings as time machines, she anticipates the future and interprets what’s gone.
According to the artist, we were promised idealism in utopia through rationalism and mentality, but instead it led to the dominance of ideology and elimination of curiosity in people.
Sabbaghpour challenges the viewer’s mind by raising questions, avoiding result-oriented thinking. With paradox being the main pivot of her works, she uses it as a means to criticize the human evolutional process through time and defines this explicit contradiction as a reason to raise doubt, question and conversaion.