
August 13 - 24 2021

Press Release

O Gallery presents "Claustrophilia1" a group exhibition of works by Ava Afshari (b. 1992 Tehran, Iran), Serminaz Barseghian (b. 1987 Tehran, Iran), Aylar Dastgiri (b. 1988 Tehran, Iran), Kimia Dehghan (b. 1998 Tehran, Iran), Lejla Dendic (b. 1997 Sindelfingen, Germany), Niki Fallahfar (b. 1999 Tehran, Iran), Katharina Goeppert (b. 1995 Filderstadt, Germany), Ameen Moazami (b. 1993 Tehran, Iran), Zahra Mohamadi (b. 1992, Tehran, Iran), Alishia Morassaei (b. 1980 Tehran, Iran), Arash Qilich (b. 1991 Tehran, Iran), Negin S. Saaed (b. 1991 Tehran, Iran), Sepideh Sakhaeifar (b. 1993 Tehran, Iran), Elahe Tehrani (b. 1994 Tehran, Iran) selected by gallery member Dorsa Jalali.

Following the events of the past year, many have found comfort in their own dens, changed their routine and now might even be afraid to go back to what life was before. In response to the pandemic, our behaviour as a species changed to something we had not experienced in decades. According to many reliable sources, the last time we held social distancing to this extent dates back to 1918 during the Spanish Flu, which infected 500 million people – almost a third of the world's population at the time – in four successive waves.

By many measures, what we are experiencing is a catastrophe. Now 18 months into the pandemic, we see that the virus is mutating every day, making it harder to imagine an end to this situation. But even when it gets under control, considering our environmental impacts, it is quite possible for another pandemic to happen again.

Generally speaking, evolution favours those who can better adapt. For many, the current situation feels like having pain for so long that it becomes a part of who you are and defines you by the way you are treating yourself. On the other hand, some will act as if everything is paused; a reaction that could either be considered a form of stubbornness or, on the contrary, a sign of resilience.

The artists who participated in this project are amongst the people who worked throughout this time and tried to stay inspired. There are different approaches towards this isolation, and the selection on view is meant to address that in visual, material, narrative and symbolic ways.


1an abnormal desire for confinement in an enclosed space.