A Selection of «Modern» works from the Laal Collection

February 25 - March 14 2022

Press Release

O Gallery presents "A Selection of «Modern» works from the Laal Collection" in collaboration with Fereydoun Ave.

I have never thought of art in bits and pieces but a continuous whole. Yes there were major changes in western art which later effected the whole of art in recent times, like introduction of perspective, realism, the invention of the camera and the recognition of the subconscious by psychoanalysis and new medias. But even these are part and parcel of the general evolution of man and art. So for me, modern and contemporary are mother and her children.
This is why I refer to past exhibitions by experts in this field to give a fair overall concept of modern and contemporary.

What are the criteria for “MODERN” in Iranian art?
1 – Dates
2 – Media
3 – Influence

Simplifications and classifications are necessary for critics, art historians and curators, so lines have to be drawn. But in art all lines are arbitrary and can be blurred or altered depending on the vision of the curator.

- Fereydoun Ave


Featured Artist:

Ahmad Amin Nazar

Sonia Balassanian

Reza Bangiz


Parvaneh Etemadi

Monir Farmanfarmaian

Ali Golestaneh

Hadi Hazavei

Mehdi Hosseini

Leyly Matine-Daftary

Ardeshir Mohassess

Nikzad Nodjoumi

Nafiseh Riahi

Behjat Sadr

Bijan Saffari

Koorosh Shishegaran

Iraj Tehrani

Manoucher Yektai

Hossein Zenderoudi