
Majid Biglari (b. 1986, Tehran) has a BFA in Sculpture. Using themes of war, violence, immigration, and places emptied out of meaning and aesthetics, Majid’s works place the viewer in a contradictory situation. The material that Biglari employs to make his works usually consist of iron, wood, paint, paraffin wax, glue, and paper. He has held seven solo shows and his works have been included in more than thirty group shows in Iran and abroad, including the Biennale of Sculpture in Tehran in 2017 and 2020, a group show at No Man’s Art Gallery in the Netherland, Art Dubai 2018, Artissima 2018, VOLTA Art Fair 2021, ASIA NOW 2021, Artissima 2021, Art Dubai 2022, and Art Brussels 2022. Majid Biglari lives and works in Tehran.